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Rules of Engagement 


Rules of Engagement 

Community Groups

Rules of Engagement

Family Businesses

Rules of Engagement

What Conversations

are avoided/matter

The outcome of working with Brian to discover my gifts has been nothing short of stunning. As well as I thought I knew myself, he saw things I would not have been able to see on my own. It was a life-changing experience that has yielded transformative results.  -Joan Shafer

This whole endeavor of helping others discover and develop their gifts (innate abilities) was a gift to me many years ago. It first came in the form of an idea – the five stages of gift development – which become the foundation of this work.


Like many gifts, I didn’t fully understand and appreciate its power and relevance. I even pushed away this gift for years because I didn’t see how it fit into my life or career. I also didn’t know how this gift would be received by others, or whether it would be received at all. Ultimately, I realized the value of the gift and knew I had to honor it by making space in my life to evolve. 


I invite you to begin exploring what your gifts are and how they may be expressed in the world. Our gifts assessment which you can access on this page will get the conversation started, and there are multiple ways we can support your gifts development moving forward. The world is waiting for your gifts!

Boards - Rules of Engagement

Our gifts are our treasures and discovering, developing and offering them is a spiritual practice in itself. The five stages offer a roadmap for doing so: 

INVITING THE GIFT – Being in a state of invitation or invocation is the first step of gift development. In this state, you are simply stating - I am ready to know. 
CLARIFYING THE GIFT – Once you recognize a gift that you have, you can begin to know its true essence and power and how it might be expressed. 
CLAIMING THE GIFT – Just because you have a gift doesn’t mean that you’ve truly claimed or received it. Your capacity to offer a gift in the world is proportionate to degree you have claimed it.
HONORING THE GIFT – Watching for opportunities to practice a gift (and they will present themselves to you) – and then experimenting with offering that gift – honors the gift and prepares you for the next stage.
OFFERING THE GIFT – At this stage, you are simply offering the gift in the world without ego attachment to outcomes or who receives it. You are living your gift as a way of being in the world.

NOTE: Even though this is a linear developmental model, you will likely find yourself in more than one stage at a time with a particular gift. For example, you may be offering a gift without having fully claimed it. In that case, giving some attention to the claiming (receiving) stage would prepare you to offer the gift more fully.

Leadership Teams - Rules of Engagement

Our gifts are our treasures and discovering, developing and offering them is a spiritual practice in itself. The five stages offer a roadmap for doing so: 

Community Groups - Rules of Engagement

Consider sponsoring a gift workshop in your community. Brian has delivered his signature 1-day workshop in Boston, Washington DC, Chicago and other cities.


Click on the digitial flyer for more information.

Brian's workshop enabled me to discover, or re-discover, several of my gifts that lay dormant for many years. I marveled at his abilities to facilitate our group - it appeared effortless. I enjoyed seeing each person light up and energized by the process. Brian’s openness and empathy with individuals in our group was a gift in itself, along with his methods of sharing the techniques without lecturing. Through experience and assimilation, the workshop allowed each person to draw out their own insights about his or her gifts and bring them into harmony with their lives..  -William Marshall

Family Businesses - Rules of Engagement

Consider sponsoring a gift workshop in your community. Brian has delivered his signature 1-day workshop in Boston, Washington DC, Chicago and other cities.


Click on the digitial flyer for more information.

One-on-One Coaching

Most people don’t really know what their true gifts are. We don’t see our innate abilities as gifts because we are so close to them. And we often are reticent to discover and offer our gifts because they haven’t been invited, acknowledged or received in the past. Our gifts are sacred, and we tend to be highly protective of them, as well as ourselves, which can result in keeping our gifts hidden and known only to ourselves. Gifts coaching focuses on the discovery and development of one’s gifts as well as working with any of the internal protectors that have guarded the gifts and prevented them from being fully developed or offered.






Book a Coaching Session

Click here to schedule a gifts coaching session via phone or Zoom meeting.



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